Cityscape. 20 Judge St Petrie Terrace. Brisbane AUS. 
Commissioner: Sacha Hennessy at Place West Estate Agents, Guthrie St, Paddington. Brisbane AUS.
The work was a gift to a client following the sale of a property. The work was intended to be a locality memoir rather than a property portrait, and I was given free rein in terms of the outcome including power poles, power lines and wheelie bins which are all permanent features of Judge St. I took a number of photos of the street over a couple of days in order to get the right shot. On the second occasion I photographed from a ladder to get the old Barracks buildings and city skyline which are in the background. The end result is a collage of various photos in order to capture the intensity of the scene as it layers up the hillside and the narrow double sided street.
MT#1 is primarily a single layered drawing with a white sky achieved via photoshop cutout. Since I enjoy creating variations on a theme, after delivering MT#1, I developed MT#2 with a pencil coloured sky and with the LHS building inverted to white on black.
The name  MOTOWN TWENTY was based on
1: The big MO sign by @fritzenberger on Instagram. The sign looks down over the valley from the ridge top, like a lord checking on the peasants. 2: I put 20 on the wheelie bin outside house No20.
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